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SIGG Total Clear ONE MyPlanet Promoção


Discount per Quantity

2 +20%$10.61$19.96

Total Clear One MyPlanet is here to stay. Available in the sizes 0.5-, 0.75- and giga-size 1.5 L, it offers impressive, scratch-resistant clarity, robust durability, and a useful ONE (one-hand) cap. We ensure, that during the manufacturing process plastic amounting to 50 percent of the weight of the bottle is recycled in new consumer goods. Step by step to recycling bliss with Tritan™ Renew, a new technology that is based on molecular instead of mechanical recycling and makes plastic go round in circles instead of reaching a dead end. This saves on non-reusable waste and greenhouse gas emissions and represents an investment in a sustainable future, thanks to a smaller carbon footprint.


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